近日 在義陽 - 世界符氏連線( 53參與者) 常常看到 FooHeeChew先生的 海南諺語,錄音。提議要替他做成PP,YouTube video, 沒想到他已經 有個線上海南文化講座Hainan Culture Online Video , 替他 高興,恭喜 新山海南會館,氣洲 和他的團隊的努力。
早年代流傳下來的諺語,富有哲理的含意,更多是反映現實的情況;譬如“wu ji gong wei
gu gu di,bo ji gong wei giao nang ye”(“有錢人說了算,沒錢人說
“jia de sin,no de biao,da de bo gi liao”(一代親,兩代表,三代不見了),便貼切指出了現代人的關係一代不如一代。

美國 符氏族譜 is for those interested in Foo Genealogy. This is specific for those who have linkage with Foo Hong 大焕 (31-73-108): means he is the 31st generation from 有辰(You3 Chen2), 73rd from 雅(Ya3), 108th from 周公(Zhou1Gong1),120th from 黃帝(Huang2Di4), . How remarkable!!Those from wen2 tang2 cun1文塘村 can trace their ancestry from the published genealogy book of the village. This blog may have links/ interesting materials important for all those Foo brothers from Hainan to trace also to their ancestry.
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
符气洲 海南文化线上视频系列讲座 海南俗语,谚语,歌谣
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