近日 在義陽 - 世界符氏連線( 53參與者) 常常看到 FooHeeChew先生的 海南諺語,錄音。提議要替他做成PP,YouTube video, 沒想到他已經 有個線上海南文化講座Hainan Culture Online Video , 替他 高興,恭喜 新山海南會館,氣洲 和他的團隊的努力。
早年代流傳下來的諺語,富有哲理的含意,更多是反映現實的情況;譬如“wu ji gong wei
gu gu di,bo ji gong wei giao nang ye”(“有錢人說了算,沒錢人說
“jia de sin,no de biao,da de bo gi liao”(一代親,兩代表,三代不見了),便貼切指出了現代人的關係一代不如一代。

美國 符氏族譜 is for those interested in Foo Genealogy. This is specific for those who have linkage with Foo Hong 大焕 (31-73-108): means he is the 31st generation from 有辰(You3 Chen2), 73rd from 雅(Ya3), 108th from 周公(Zhou1Gong1),120th from 黃帝(Huang2Di4), . How remarkable!!Those from wen2 tang2 cun1文塘村 can trace their ancestry from the published genealogy book of the village. This blog may have links/ interesting materials important for all those Foo brothers from Hainan to trace also to their ancestry.
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
符气洲 海南文化线上视频系列讲座 海南俗语,谚语,歌谣
Friday, April 3, 2020
Interview: Genealogy. Story March 2020
Story Corps March 8 2020
Foley Square (111 Worth St, New York, NY 10013)
Amy, Rochelle, and Nico 917-834-0356
- Foo Genealogy
- What is our family name?
- Generation name, each poem is 40 generations.
- Migration route
- You Chen (43rd generation) to Hianan, Foo Hong (73rd generation to South East Asia)
- New digital generation tree :
- Foo Hong (101-73-31-1) 1
- Sun-Hoo Foo (74-32-2) 12
- FarngYeong Foo (75-33-3) 122
- Rebecca (76-74-4) 1221
Foo Hong 2011
揚名四海慧愛侶 The wise lovers Spread their good names to the four seas
Yángmíng sìhǎi huì ài lǚ
永居高庭辯是非 Always stay in the high court to debate for right against evil
Yǒng jū gāo tíng biàn shìfēi
遠眺朝霞鴛鴦游 Looking at the glorious distant morning cloud, the mandarin ducks go
Yuǎn tiào zhāoxiá yuānyāng yóu swimming
怡懷訟訴益萬民 with cheerful heart, she advocate for the benefit of thousands people
Yí huái biànsù sù wànmín
Yí huái biànsù sù wànmín
Loyalty,Filial Piety,Trustworthiness,Selflessness, Peace,
Why is this important? What is its significance?
From our ancestors,
we know that success cannot be inherited. It only "lasts" when
successive generations work hard. There were famous examples in our ancestor
struggles. The following quotes say it all.
Generals and Ministers are not predestined.
Man (woman) has to be strong and pursue excellence
The 族譜zu2pu3 teaches us to respect the past. There is no present without the struggles and hard
work of our ancestor. We stand on the shoulders of the past giants.
(Fine line between appreciation, inspiration and deification
- the emphasis is not necessarily on the ultimate title
or accomplishment but the work that it took to get there)
(Not exclusive - It is a study of the human condition and
,with any type of study, we realize ties and commonalities)
Qingtao beer(1100 BCE)—Xian Terracota(221 BCE)—SanYa beach(1205AC)
Foo History,
new devised tree,
recorded history
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Rendezvous after thirteen years- Hanoi and Siem Reap
Rendezvous after thirteen years- Hanoi and Siem Reap
Sun-Hoo Foo 符傳孝 (109-74-32) 1-2
January 20, 2019
Stepping in the Hotel Mövenpick(“picking seagull”), we know Immediately we were here 13 years ago. The large circle glass window overlooking the lobby and brilliant Chandeliers can not be mistaken. Dad was there with us. I decide to intertwine the past and present imageries. Those from the sweet distant memories are framed in burgundy, like a full flavor mesmerizing wine.
We were in the similar forward facing tricycles touring the old quarter of Hanoi, only now in red color awning.
Our destiny was the same Vietnamese traditional water puppet show, only the audience are different.
This time, we did not have time to visit the elegant curved red bridge of Hoam Kiem Lake(還劍湖Hái jiàn hú)。 The following photo is the “dragon gate” written on the top with red ink. The couplet from right to left literally says : “.Brush and ink are the tools for great essays and the ability to pass the exam of Tang and Song is the ladder to prominence for the scholar.”
The mundane yet inspiring couplet(對聯Duìlián) , black Han characters on white background, were the same.
For a moment 13 y ago when I first wandered into this setting, everysight seemed so familiar, I thought it was a proof of reincarnation, since I could not possibly go to a communist country in my younger year. That must be Déjà vu. Only later did I recall an incidence that a Typhon diverted my CPA flight to Taipei and landed in Hanoi in the 70 during my summer vacation to Brunei, and I had an unexpected mysterious tour of this unique lake and literature college.
CAIPA group posted at Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum. The parliament in the background was not there. The bamboo bushes were more abundant then.
We were able to feed the fish in the pound in Ho Chi Minh’s resident. We were told the fish were sold to the local market in his time to supplement expense. It appeared we were looking at the same roots of the tree ( can’t remember what is the name of this tree). Wonder if the sticking “Buddha root” have grown at all.
Temple of Literature, was the first Vietnam’s University,built in the 11th century. 13 y ago dad was astounded with the Stele (碑be)i and tried to decode the fading inscriptions.There were humongous amount of fish on the pound, Not sure it is there now.
Couplet on the wall: “One becomes immortal after excel in the minister exam (right) and it is an esteemed honor looking out from the palace wall (left). There is now a fence to block the access.
I long to visit Angkor Wat again. It rained last time. We climbed up to the temple that lead to heaven, ran out of memory chip, I missed the iconic shot at sunset. This time the temple was closed for the holy day.and we were not allowed to climb up.
We were at “S-21” and also the killing field during the
previous visit. This is a dark history
of Cambodia and the world. It is a reminder of how one could manipulate teens
to result in such a despicable crime. A tower in the killing fields hold the
skulls and remains of the innocent victims
And the butterflies in the serene green grass pits are the
Dad left us 4 years ago. He was here enjoyed the time and company together in 2005. Sunrise , sunset. The physical surroundings and the temples artifacts of the past glories remain。The great gushing Yangtze with piling waves flows towards the east, Away it carries gallant souls of the remote bygone days.-- BettyTseng (大江東去。浪淘盡。千古風流人物 )
and the following verses keep resurfacing in my mind.
Last year in this villa on the same day,
On blushed face the fine peach-blossoms portrayed.
Today, O You're gone, my Fair, but where, please?
Peach-blossoms are still smiling in Spring breeze!
the Wall of a Southern Villa at the Capital
-- by CUI HU (Tang Dynasty) -- Translated by Frank C Yue
-- by CUI HU (Tang Dynasty) -- Translated by Frank C Yue
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